The Light Camera

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With the SWAP and form factor of this capability, and its scalability to 600 mm and beyond, in plastic vice glass, it would lead me to believe that such a capability may have radical impact upon ISR in your pocket, … Continued

The Horizon HyCopter

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Just when you thought quadcopters lacked persistence, let me introduce you to the hydrogen powered Hycopter made by Horizon Corp in Singapore.    (4 hours w/o external payload,  2.5 hours with payload) This is both a good news and bad news … Continued

Army develops chip-scale atomic clock for the field

posted in: Uncategorized | 0 There were over 800 Chip Scale Atomic Clocks (CSACs) deployed to Afghanistan from Honeywell and Symetricom.  Suddenly placing it in a hardened case and putting a CRDEC logo on this makes it profound.   Well truth of the matter is, … Continued

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