Minitaur..the galloping robot
I find this quadruped small robot as most unique for selected applications. As a 1st Gen, the Minitaur only has a battery life of 20 minutes and a payload of 3 Kg. Having said that, it can move out at … Continued
I find this quadruped small robot as most unique for selected applications. As a 1st Gen, the Minitaur only has a battery life of 20 minutes and a payload of 3 Kg. Having said that, it can move out at … Continued
From the testimony of these three distinguished citizens, we are again looking at how to national-security-space-hambre national-security-space-faga national-security-space-testimony-ellis national-security-space-testimony-ellisnational-security-space-faga Converge DoD and Intelligence requirements Give Space a common leadership chain of command Keep any service from usurping their role by … Continued This looks like a great on-ramp for spectral analysis and detection at the handheld and chip level for the tactical edge. Such a capability in an IoT-like environment may offer new insight for isolating tactical and infrastructure threats. Having … Continued
Critical infrastructure sector owners and operators are being called upon for a study to define and validate current and future positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) requirements for critical infrastructure. Initial focus is upon the power and wireless communications infrastructure. FINALLY or shall … Continued
The undated report issued by the National Air and Space Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, finds that Russia and China are poised to field new stealth bombers as soon as 2025 and 12 foreign fifth-generation fighter aircraft … Continued